2 comments on “Springtime in Paris

  1. Hey Jim-
    I checked the site because I thought of you when I saw this in Politico:
    “We find that a Trump tariff proposal against all countries would cost U.S. consumers $459 billion annually and $2.29 trillion over five years,” David Tuerck and Paul Bachman, a pair of economists at Suffolk University in Boston, write in the report. “Our analysis finds that the Trump tariffs would manifest themselves as a 30.5 percent increase in the price of competing domestic producer goods and therefore, as a cut in real wages.”

    Tuerck is famous!!

    I was just in Cologne and Paris…Lufthansa lost my luggage…or rather it never left Logan and they found it two weeks after I got back. They funded a new wardrobe.
    Hope you’re well–you both look great!

    • I feel like writing to Politico and saying “You know David Tuerck is a lousy economist, right?” Or, in the mold of today’s politics, tell them that Tuerck rhymes with jerk.

      I’m so glad I didn’t go weeks without my luggage. The amusing part is that after packing and unpacking every couple of days for three years now, I’d have been able to give them the most detailed list of contents they’d ever received.


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