I’d really like to have a nice map of our travels, but this has proved more challenging than I’d like. Maybe I’m missing something obvious?
I did find a little map creation program called GoProTravelling that allows me to list the places we’ve been and the dates and transportation types. It then makes a map that I can embed. So I’ve stuck it on a ‘Map’ page in the navigation bar above.
I can’t say I’m super thrilled with the output. It can be quite slow to load. And I don’t have much control over any of the imagery.
It does, however, offer a mildly entertaining little animation. This shows our journey with a little airplane when we’ve flown and a little car for everything else. It can also display some other animations for walking and bicycling. It’s a bit disappointing that I’m stuck with the car for our long train trips, but what the heck.
If anyone has tips to offer on better, but not overly burdensome, ways to construct a decent travel map, please pass them on!